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Los Angeles Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Traumatic brain injuries can strike at any moment, and when they do, the harm can be irreparable. Often, traumatic brain injuries occur because of another person’s carelessness. Their reckless behavior causes other individuals to suffer both physically and mentally, and these effects may be felt in the short-term and long-term.

If you or someone you care for has suffered a traumatic brain injury, contact Joseph Barrett for help. He is a Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorney who takes on the most challenging cases because of his extensive knowledge and track record for success. He will go to bat for you and not rest until he has taken the perpetrator to task for their negligent and dangerous behavior. With Joseph Barrett as your lawyer, you can rest assured that you have the best attorney in your arsenal to help you receive compensation for your injuries and damages.

What Is Traumatic Brain Injury?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a traumatic brain injury is “a form of acquired brain injury, that occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object, or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue.”

A wide range of symptoms can occur because traumatic brain injuries affect a person’s ability to function at a cognitive level. For this reason, it is essential for those who think they have suffered a traumatic brain injury to seek medical attention. Proper diagnosis and treatment are critical for identifying and treating the injury. Failure to do so could lead to complications, an increased severity in symptoms, or a delay in recovery.

When Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Occur & What Causes Them?

Traumatic brain injuries can take place at any time. Numerous external forces can also cause them. And the severity of the injuries sustained because of the blow is dependent on a variety of factors.

Falls, car accidents, playing sports, or being beaten up are all examples of ways someone can sustain a traumatic brain injury. All traumatic brain injuries should be taken seriously and not dismissed as something the injured party can quickly bounce back from. Regardless of how the person feels immediately after a traumatic brain injury, they should be examined by a medical professional who can provide an informed and educated opinion on the damage done and the appropriate next steps.  

What Are the Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury?

There are countless symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries. This can make identifying a traumatic brain injury difficult. However, some of the most common symptoms to look out for include the following:

  • Loss of memory
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Headaches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Impaired speech
  • Vision issues
  • Insomnia
  • Emotional irregularity
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

Seeking medical attention is of the utmost importance because specific tests can be run to confirm or deny symptoms and also determine how best to treat them now and in the future. You should also document the injuries sustained and keep track of medical records and receipts, as they might be helpful when building your case.

How Is the Value of a Traumatic Brain Injury Determined?

Figuring out how much a traumatic brain injury claim is worth requires the guidance of a skilled Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorney who has your best interests in mind. You want someone with decades of experience who knows the inner workings of these cases so that you can achieve the best result possible.

Working with your Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorney, you will determine who is at fault for the injury and build a case proving your position. Establishing liability for the responsible individual, documenting the injuries sustained and their severity, and determining the insurance coverage associated with treatment is critical. Including information about future treatment and how insurance may or may not cover those costs will help you determine an appropriate value for your traumatic brain injury claim.

Medical bills, future medical bills, loss of earnings, impaired earning capacity, pain and suffering, anxiety, and mental anguish are all types of damages that may be valid when building your claim with your Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorney. The average person may miss one (or many) types of damages they could include in their claim, so working closely with a lawyer who knows all the types o damage to look out for will work to your advantage because it will help you maximize the potential compensation for your claim.

If I Am the Victim of a Traumatic Brain Injury, Am I Entitled to Compensation?

If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, you are entitled to compensation for the injuries and damages you have sustained because of another person’s negligence. Their reckless, wrongful, and dangerous acts cannot go unchecked. 

You may have lost earnings because your injuries prevent you from being able to work. These lost future earnings, as well as lost wages and pain and suffering, should all be considered when building your case with your attorney.

A wrongful death case may be filed if someone dies due to a traumatic brain injury. If this were to happen, the deceased person’s family could work with a lawyer to explore their options.

Why You Should Contact a Los Angeles Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Traumatic brain injuries occur too often and can wreak havoc on the lives of those injured, as well as their loved ones. These traumatic brain injuries can take place because of the negligence and wrongdoing of another, causing a variety of short-term and long-term effects that negatively impact the victim’s quality of life. 

The perpetrators who commit these crimes must not go without punishment for the damage they have caused to innocent people. Joseph Barrett is a Los Angeles traumatic brain injury attorney who can help you attain the justice you seek. Joseph Barrett is the attorney you need, with years of experience and vast knowledge of traumatic brain injury cases. Reach out today to learn more and schedule a consultation.