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Los Angeles Sexual Abuse Attorney 

For anyone to be the victim of sexual abuse is horrendous. It is a crime that no person should experience. The physical and emotional pain that comes with it is often too much to bear. When sexual abuse occurs at work, the consequences are much more complicated because it can severely alter the victim’s advancement within the office, not to mention their career.

If you or someone you love has been the victim of sexual abuse, turn to Joseph Barrett for help. He is a Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney who is a leader in his field. He will fight for you and do everything he can to hold the perpetrator accountable for their hideous actions. With Joseph Barrett in your corner, you can rest easy because he will stop at nothing to secure the justice and compensation you deserve and serve as your guiding light throughout the process.

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse knows no bounds. It can occur between spouses, friends, strangers, colleagues, or family. If someone pressures or bullies you into taking part in a sexual act that is not wanted and that you did not consent to, then it could be considered  sexual abuse. 

Examples of sexual abuse include the following:

  • Non Consensual kissing or hugging
  • Sexual touching without consent
  • Hostile sexual behavior
  • Sexual activity involving someone drunk, high, or not conscious
  • Rape, including attempted or statutory
  • Sexual assault or molestation

It is essential to realize that sexual misconduct can be inflicted upon people of all ages and does not have to involve physical contact or even words. Verbal and nonverbal sexual abuse is real, and you do not have to stand for it. A Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney can help you identify when you have been the victim of sexual abuse and work with you to explore your options.

Sexual Abuse in the Workplace

In the workplace, sexual abuse and harassment are unfortunately a regular occurrence. According to the latest United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data, hundreds of Californians file workplace sexual harassment charges annually, and the state is in the top ten for sexual harassment charges.

The severity of the sexual abuse you experienced in the workplace should not determine whether you do anything about it. California’s workers’ compensation is structured to provide financial compensation for injured employees, paying for lost wages and related psychological treatment.

A Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney, like Joseph Barrett, can help you determine whether you should file a civil claim against your employer; employers may be liable for the illegal actions of their employees, especially if those actions took place on their property during the workday. 

California Sexual Assault Law

Under California law, sexual assault is when “Any person who touches an intimate part of another person while that person is unlawfully restrained by the accused or an accomplice, and if the touching is against the will of the person touched and is for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of sexual battery.”

Those charged and convicted for sexual assault or battery may face up to six months in jail for a misdemeanor or one year for a felony. They will also owe a fine of $2,000. If the convicted person is the victim’s employer, the penalty is $3,000. Depending on the specific details of the case, California law may allow up to four years in prison and $10,000 in fines.

Sexual Abuse Warning Signs

When a person has endured sexual abuse, there are signs. So even if they cannot come forward, there are red flags that family, friends, and colleagues should look out for to keep them safe.

Behavioral signs may include isolation from others, fear of people or places, decreased performance at work or school, or the use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol. Victims may also regress and enjoy their favorite hobbies and passions less.

Emotional signs may include fear, anger, shame, outbursts, guilt, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, suicidal tendencies, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Physical signs can include sleeping issues, loss of hunger, blood in unexpected places, bruising, frequent and unanticipated injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancy, and signs of self-inflicted harm.

What Steps to Take If You Were Sexually Abused

Those who are sexually abused must move quickly to take the necessary steps to ensure that they are safe and their rights are protected. Victims of abuse can take the following steps:

Call the Police

Report the crime to the proper authorities and be sure not to accidentally destroy any evidence that can be used to prove that a crime was committed. For example, biological evidence or clothing can be helpful when building a case with your Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney.

Preserve Evidence

Keep whatever you wore when the assault occurred and any other items you think might be helpful. You never know what might be beneficial, so keep it all in a safe place where it cannot be tampered with.

Speak Up

Shame or guilt may make you want to keep this crime to yourself, but the perpetrator cannot be charged unless you tell someone what happened. Tell a friend or a member of your family what happened. Not only will they help provide you with the support you need, but they can also help you get the legal and medical assistance necessary to recover.

Why You Should Contact a Los Angeles Sexual Abuse Attorney

Whether it takes place at your job or not, sexual abuse is not a crime that should be cast aside. It is a severe offense that can inflict tremendous emotional, physical, and behavioral damage. Those who commit these crimes must be held accountable for their deplorable actions, and you must receive the justice and you deserve. Joseph Barrett is a Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney who can help you do precisely that. He will give you the strength and support you need, allowing you to achieve a desirable outcome. Reach out today to learn more and schedule a consultation.