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Los Angeles Insurance Bad Faith Attorney

People pay for insurance policies because they provide them with peace of mind and comfort, knowing they have a safety net to catch them and their families if times get tough. People pay their premiums month-in and month-out, fully expecting that their insurance policies will be there for them if needed. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Those in accidents often struggle to secure fair settlements from their insurance carrier or the insurance carrier of a third party. When they are at their most vulnerable, often dealing with physical and psychological pain, these people cannot get an insurance company to provide them with the benefits they need more than ever.

If this sounds familiar and you are one of the many people dealing with an insurance company unwilling to negotiate in good faith, Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney Joseph Barrett can help. He is used to working with insurance companies and understands the best way  to appeal to them. When you have Joseph Barrett on your side, you can rest easy knowing that insurance companies will no longer manipulate you and that you will receive the compensation you deserve. Joseph Barrett will help guide you through every step of the process and avoid pitfalls because he always has your best interests in mind.

What Is Bad Faith?

An insurance company’s primary goal is to make a profit. One way to increase profits dramatically is by denying claims, even those that are valid. Are you on the receiving end of a valid claim being denied by an insurance company? Have they failed to adequately defend and protect you against the claims of others? If so, your insurance company may be acting in bad faith.

What does bad faith mean? Bad faith is when an insurance company fails to live up to its obligations by denying a valid claim for insurance coverage. Other forms of bad faith behavior do exist. However, they may be confidential depending on the type of insurance claim in question.

First-Party Claims

In a first-party claim, your insurance carrier may have unfavorable feedback regarding claims related to property, health, or personal insurance coverage. As a result, they may fail to investigate your claim properly. Moreover, there could be delays in processing your claim. They could offer you a low settlement amount that is not equal to the claim or, perhaps, deny the claim outright without a valid reason. Lastly, they may only offer to pay partial benefits. 

Third-Party Claims

Your insurance company must protect your policy against claims by third parties. For example, a third-party claim might be filed if a person sues you for personal injury or damage to their property. Bad faith practices related to third-party claims can include failure to properly defend you against such claims and failure to pay the cost of legal defense.

It is also essential to understand how the term bad faith insurance is defined under California law, which a Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney can assist you with.

Examples of Bad Faith Under California Law

When an insurance company unreasonably or willfully denies a Californian the benefits of their existing and enforceable insurance policy when a valid claim is filed, they act in bad faith. 

It does not require the insurance company to deny the claim for its behavior to be considered bad faith. If the insurance company merely handles a claim unreasonably, they act in bad faith and can be held accountable for doing so by a Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney.

Below are bad faith examples under California law:

  • Rejecting request for payment for a legitimate insurance claim
  • Not paying the total value of a claim under the insured’s policy
  • Taking too much time to pay out or deny a claim
  • If sued, failing to provide legal defense for a policyholder or their business
  • Mishandling the investigation of an insurance claim
  • Not complying with California’s Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations
  • Failing to pay an insurance claim once the California Department of Insurance determines that the claim is a valid one
  • Not authorizing required medical treatment that a policyholder is entitled to per their insurance policy

There are many ways an insurance company can act in bad faith. Trying to identify these offenses on your own is a fool’s errand. Instead, it is wise to work with a Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney who has handled these cases. These attorneys are well equipped to tackle the challenges, provide policyholders guidance, and offer peace of mind.

How to Seek Compensation for Bad Faith Insurance

Receiving a fair settlement from an insurance carrier that acts in bad faith while handling your insurance claim is possible. There are several options to explore for seeking compensation with the help of your Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney.

The first option to consider is a written accusation, where you point out how the insurance carrier acted in bad faith. Of course, this should be written with the help of your attorney because they can help you make the letter as compelling as possible.

Another option is filing a personal injury claim. During this process, your Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney will assist you with recovering damages because your insurance company breached its contract. Not only can this include the benefits owed to you under the policy, but it can also include interest.

Bad faith damages can also potentially be collected, and these include legal and economic costs, as well as emotional distress. Punitive damages are also a possibility.

Why You Should Contact a Los Angeles Insurance Bad Faith Lawyer

Working with insurance companies can be a complicated process, especially following a life-changing incident. At your weakest moment, you need your insurance company to be there for you, not for them to act in bad faith.

Joseph Barrett is a Los Angeles insurance bad faith attorney with experience leveling the playing field for his clients. Reach out to learn more and schedule a consultation.