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Los Angeles Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

At Barrett Law, we understand that catastrophic injuries are life-changing. Debilitating injuries take a hefty toll on individuals and families. People often experience financial hardship due to astronomical medical debt from life-long medical care. If you have sustained a permanent or disabling injury, a Los Angeles catastrophic injury lawyer can help.

What Are Catastrophic Injuries? – Catastrophic injuries differ significantly from other serious injuries. Catastrophic injuries are distinct in that they are usually permanent and disabling. While a victim may heal, the bodily damage they suffer is so profound that they can never fully recover.

According to the Social Security Disability Insurance Statistics:

  • One in four 20-year-olds will file for disability before they reach retirement
  • Individuals on disability are 3 times as likely to die than other people of the same age
  • 1 in 6 men and 1 in 8 women will die within 5 years of suffering a disabling injury

Catastrophic injuries are uniquely debilitating and can rob victims of their livelihood and emotional wellbeing.

What Are Some Examples of Catastrophic Injuries in Los Angeles?

Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic injuries are devastating. Characterized by their life-changing nature, the most common examples of catastrophic bodily damage include the following.

Traumatic Brain Injuries – Traumatic brain injuries damage the way the brain functions. Victims may suffer:

  • Changes in personality or behavior
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Language difficulties
  • Decreased cognitive function
  • Loss of motor skills
  • Memory loss

In some cases, permanent damage can cause the brain to deteriorate exponentially.

Spinal Cord Damage – The spinal cord is very complex and delicate. Catastrophic injuries may include partial or complete paralysis. In severe cases, a serious spinal cord injury can result in paraplegia.

Burn Injuries – Burn injuries are considered catastrophic when the body endures severe scarring, disfigurement, or extreme muscle and nerve damage. Typically, third- and fourth-degree burns qualify as catastrophic.

Burns are vulnerable to infections that may become life-threatening over the course of treatment. In addition, catastrophic burns can cause chronic joint pain throughout the lengthy healing process.

Crush Injuries – Crush injuries can be especially debilitating. Crush injuries often lead to multiple organ failures, usually affecting the kidneys. Victims may experience life-long pain and reduced organ function.

Amputation Or Loss of Limb – When victims lose a limb, the way they function every day changes forever. Mobility is limited without aid. Victims usually suffer serious psychological and emotional issues.

Eye Or Ear Injuries – The loss of vision or hearing is a life-altering injury. When a victim experiences sensory loss, they can no longer function the same in their employment or their day-to-day lives.